This is Md. Rashed,I received my B.Sc. in Information and Communication Engineering (ICE) from Pabna University of Science and Technology(PUST). I have always been interested in academic, co-curricular and research activities. I have finished some government funded researches and innovation projects. I have published a research paper in peer-reviewed international journal.Beside those, I also conduct research with BioRAIN Lab.
My research interests are:
- Deep Learning
- Medical Imaging
- Machine Learning
- Image Processing
I enjoy turning research insights into practical applications. I’m always interested in innovative research projects. Feel free to reach out me. I’ll be sure to respond.
August 2024 : A paper Improving Speech Emotion Recognition and Classification Accuracy Using Hybrid CNN-LSTM-KNN Model is published in International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews. [Journal homepage] ( ISSN 2582-7421.
May 2024 : A paper “OPTIMIZING WASTE MANAGEMENT WITH IOT: BOOSTING EFFICIENCY AND PROMOTING SUSTAINABILITY” is published in International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science.